Thursday, July 21, 2011

UNI-verse Don't Make Me Laugh

If you have ever watched anything on the Science Channel or Discovery or National Geographic or even the History Channel for that matter, then you have probably seen this guy, Dr. Michio Kaku. He's a physicist and he's smart- as in "I co-founded string theory" smart and he is an excellent communicator. Like Hawking's book A Brief History of Time or Carl Sagan's series Cosmos he makes science digestible to us lay-folk. His optimism and excitement for science is contagious, not an easy feat considering our society seems to revel in its dystopian outlook of the future. Standing on the cutting edge of Theoretical physics it's people like Kaku that make science cool and get the world excited about the possibilities of tomorrow. Now make sure your floor is clean as you will be resting your jaw there for the next 10 minutes; warning mindfuck ahead!

Colbert Was On Whose Line is it Anyway?

Yeah that's right.

Dogs Playing People How Quaint!

Everyone knows the internet is for cats but Vaudeville is for dogs! Call it what you want animal cruelty, inhumane, wrong, disturbing, I call it good old fashion fun. Enjoy this Dogvillian drama!